

33, she/her, lifelong nerd and fanfic enthusiast, filthy liberal, makes art sometimes. You can also find me @ankhes_sajirah on Instagram for more art.

フォロー数:720 フォロワー数:274

More WIPs, but of the Princesses of the Maidenvault: Daena, Rhaena, and Elaena.

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More WIPs, this time of Visenya and Rhaenys.

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And some of the unfinished WIPs of characters to come.

The Velaryons: Alyssa, Rhaenys, and Book-Laena and Show-Laena.

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Rhaella, mother of Daenerys.

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Daughters of Alysanne: Alyssa, Viserra, Saera, and Gael.

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Since everyone likes asoiaf again, here are all the women I’ve finished in my Targaryen Ladies series.

Sisters Rhaena, Alysanne, and Jocelyn.

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Surface by Julie Dillon.

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Animus: Part 3 by Yuumei

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When you realize you hate the outfit you gave a character so you repaint the entire thing. 🙃

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