

world builder 🧭 game runner 🎲 character creator 👥 learning how to draw better over time ✍️✍️ (she/her)

フォロー数:162 フォロワー数:86

I realized I made two characters pledged to the diety of death in their respective worlds that are also both black scaled/furred 🤔


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Just a delightful cleric of the goddess of love, pleasure, and happiness 🌹❤️ 😍 ☕️

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A different friend's human ranger (how did I end up with multiple friends playing the same class at the same time but in different games?

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A friend's elven ranger from our game.
Must. Improve. Braid. Game.
(like... I keep forgetting arrows when I draw bows... )

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An upcoming hopeful PC: Xara A'idendal, Cleric of the Grave. (I need to work on dragonborn legs... blaah

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Inspired by and , a friend and I decided to make twins in DnD. We weren't as mean to our DM when it came to naming them thou 😉😂
Meet Artanis (monk) and Aryona (warlock) 💙

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😂😂 Nap-time for an exhausted rogue at the end of a long day sneaking around stabbing people.

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Any time is a good time for a tea break 💙

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I saw the hashtag this afternoon and just really wanted to make a cute little logo for it 💙💙

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The drawing went through a few iterations before I was actually happy with it 😆

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