Help Girl! Too Many Brainworms!!!!さんのプロフィール画像

Help Girl! Too Many Brainworms!!!!さんのイラストまとめ

Hey! My name is Cayde • He/They (more in the pronouny link) • 19 • Transmasc Genderfluid • Icon by @SnafuBravado • Hyperfixating 24/7

I draw occasionally!

フォロー数:236 フォロワー数:81

Saw the Splatoon 3 trailer and I HAD to draw the little buddy.. Please let me hold himb..

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Hewwo!! My sheet needs a little update, but here's my commission prices!! I'll provide some samples of my art below!!

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Oh man, I got tagged!! That's actually surprising hgdsjhgkak-- I'm Cayde and I'll be turning 18 soon so yea!! Here's some of my most recent works, two of these I haven't actually posted yet and I should probably go do that sometime dfjsdkgshd-- I'll reply with some tags!

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Hnghgnghgnghg hi I haven't posted lately here's a quick headshot I painted of my fursona a little bit ago jkfhasjfs-- Their name is Fruit Punch, they're a punk furby, and I just think they're neat. :-)

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Oh hewwo fjdskahgjkfg!! He needs a new ref, but this big punk demon in my MTA is my sona!! They don't have a funky name but!!! I'm really proud of them kfhskjaghs--

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Oh shit!! Ajdgskshsjs here's my prices! If you need more examples, lmk!! I plan on updating my comm sheet soon so yeah ajdhskssh--

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Aaaa hewwo!! I'm Cayde and I use he/him, they/them, and cali/calis pronouns!! I amb just a little genderfluid guy who does art, adopts, and commissions!!

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Hewwo! My name is Cayde (he/they/cali) and I amb juste a littole guy.. <:-) I draw humans, anthros, aminals, bugs, monsters... a lot of stuff akdgdjshsj!!

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