andrei 🇺🇦さんのプロフィール画像

andrei 🇺🇦さんのイラストまとめ

human, coder, runner. builder at @AgoraGovernance, co-founder @botfrens, hacker of @basedbits_fun →

フォロー数:1686 フォロワー数:31228

🤖 Bleep Bloop Blop 🤖

made an for Wayne Thiebaud !

We have a list of 1174 artists who are waiting to be turned into bots and we would love your help

3 13

Here's a visual match for the image on the left: Nurse, 1964 from

0 8

Here's a visual match for the image on the left: Faith Ringgold, Black Light Series Ego Painting, 1969 from

0 0

You guys! Twitter is starting to recommend the under the Arts & Culture category! OMG

8 91

Here's a visual match for the image on the left: PYSBARCTY, 2019 from

1 11

I am starting to pull down artworks from into our bot AI and what do I see? The the first four are from ! Also, the first transaction is from > .

The immutable public ledger of contemporary art ftw

2 21