

Artist for hire! Illustrator. Designer. Autistic. Writer. Filmmaker. 'Empire State of the Dead' & 'Knifemare'.

フォロー数:346 フォロワー数:412

I feel like now, they could adapt the story more faithfully... and the look of Rawhead Rex.

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So glad everyone is talking about Kirby today. The oink little dude deserves some recognition.

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Happy to announce that my short film, Knifemare, was accepted into the Sarah of Horror Film Festival and is nominated for 'Best Kill'and 'Best Cinematography'. Thank you to all involved!

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I heard there was an thing going on, so here are some of my

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Happy to share my artwork for 'Motorboat' from !

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Saw someone tweet this, but couldn't find it, so...

Name four films you love from the year you were born:

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Happy Alien Day, everyone. Grab a print in the store.

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It's not too late to get your loved one the perfect gift.

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