Kris Smithさんのプロフィール画像

Kris Smithさんのイラストまとめ

Canadian artist, focus on robots/Transformers, other pop culture/nostalgia stuff too!

email: [email protected]
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Today in 1938 Action Comics was released, the very first appearance of Superman!

Here's some Superman pics I've done over the years, a semi-redesign from 2017, and then older pics from 2014 & 2012. Interesting to see the progression over the years!

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Wow, this blew up, when does that ever happen to me? lol :P

Here, have some more random art I've done over the years! :D

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I'm Kris, I make art with an old copy of Flash, love a good animation aesthetic. Slow, but gets it done. Love to make art of stuff I grew up with in 80's/90's (Transformers and other robots seem to be a preference).

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Eh, why not, I'm prepared to cry in the corner for a while, lol. :P Couple things because I figure any of my problems are going to be consistent in everything (CoughCoughForExampleProportions&HeadsTooBigCoughCough) lol :P

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Here's the design itself, the tattoo artist did an amazing job!

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Wow, what a difference 10 years makes!

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And of course because I couldn't resist, here's a variant of the original, classic He-Man. Not part of the challenge, just wanted to have the original as well :D

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OMG new art! Needed to get the cobwebs out, took a pause to do some "me" art. Battle Armor He-Man (1st He-Man toy I owned as a kid!) for the of the week.
Fitting I get new art done on April Fools, lol. Wish I wasn't so slow at this still, lol.

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I think this wraps up 2008's old art (I think?). Brooklyn might actually have just squeaked in at the end of the year. Useless Trivia: that Blue Beetle/Booster Gold pic was my desktop wallpaper for a loooong time, lol.

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