

15 yo and I like editing, marvel, RDJ, art and probably some other stuff idk. 👍🏻…

フォロー数:50 フォロワー数:8

I have a few drawings of my oc (btw I’m still practicing my digital art) but I would love to be in a video😁!!!

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For and went into tears at the end when the credits rolled idk why it was so emotional. Also if you don’t mind me asking will their be a session 2? Or is that the end of Scp.

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I decided to draw fairly tail Damien not going to lie I didn’t put as much effort into this drawing because I’ve been drawing all day

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I had fun making this monstrosity this video really made me laugh should I make Kats April fools video fan art now😂

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For hope you like the fan art of fairy tail Davis. 🙂

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A day when my art was actually good

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add me back it’s me animesy 🥺

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