

(31 - ♊️ - INFP - Vietnamese-American - she/her/(they?)) Aspiring artist/crafter/game dev/streamer/??? Love all my OCs and Smokey the half-poodle

フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:101

- 20 Years old
- Kyrie element: Lightning
- Weapon: Metal darts
- Likes: saving money, avoiding attention
- Dislikes: being touched, when people don't listen
- Travels around and takes whatever jobs he can to survive, relying on his level head to solve his problems.

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Chance of Mercy character thread because I juST GOTTA GET IT DOWN
- 18 Years old
- Kyrie element: Fire
- Weapon: Fans
- Likes: Meat, sleeping next to people
- dislikes: cold, boring work
- Wants to be a "hero" to put Kyries in a good light but has zero clue how to do so

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[CoMercy] the very first drawing of these characters from 2009(!) and the redo from 2014

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June is my birth month and so I will indulge in my most talked about cast and story, Chance of Mercy (CoMercy)! Four adventurers search for acceptance in this “+Anima meets ATLA” setting.

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A drawing of Asmodeus for his birthday 💖

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Chris McHale:
- Chemistry genius with a special ability to accurately measure by sight
- left home because parents were hoarding the profits of her research
- Absolute Meme Teen
- wears PJ pants all day for the comfort
- amab trans(tho it's not my place to make this a plot point)

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Short character thread for Covalent Bonds (CovBo)
Thurma Robbins:
- Private investigator willing to take jobs big and small
- more logical than emotional, but tends to overthink things (i.e. considers everything as a potential clue)
- has the cooking skills of a college freshman

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[UnderMai] rewatching Cinderella(1997) made me want to draw a flowy dress....

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When I was looking for old art I also found some Tales fanart that’s still pretty decent!

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qrt with your 1st digital art vs most recent

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