

フォロー数:789 フォロワー数:223

My fav 5 antagonist characters ✨

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*drops my floofball* 👀

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BRAID BUDDIES 👀🔥🔥 This is Futaba btw but I'm ready to offer both him and Belle for ur sweet boy 🥺💕

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AGHSFDGHH YOU'LL DRAW MY BELLE AHH THAT'S SUCH AN HONOUR FOR MY GIRL 😭😭 I haven't completed her reference sheet yet, but you can use these pics! Tip: Her hair is orange and she wears two Sakura flowers above her right ear~ ^^

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Looks like I'm way too late 😅 I'm still dropping my floofball here, please do it only if you have time! 🧡💕

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After spending hours contemplating if it'd be a good idea to show my potato face...
Icon Real owner

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Not even Simeon can save my hellbound ass no more 🗿

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