Andrew Barrさんのプロフィール画像

Andrew Barrさんのイラストまとめ

I'm an Illustrator. I like drawing monsters and goofy stuff like that.

フォロー数:891 フォロワー数:1297

January 1, 2020: Nobody saw it arrive, but it hovered over the end of Runway 29 at Haggerty International Airport until 22:00 hrs. Most of the witnesses say they first noticed it when the heavy fog began to clear around 10:15hrs and the rain started.

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February 7, 2019: Nobody is sure where it came from or where it went but it chased the number 87 Franklin Avenue bus for eight blocks after eating Margaret Yeng (78) as she got off the bus near the Eternal Light Cemetery.

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June 12, 2020: According to John Mcgubert (26) after being found on the beach, the crew of the fishing trawler, The Leaky Crate, find a creature in their nets. It some how communicated to them that if they set it free it would grant them three wishes each.

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November 3, 2020: Fifteen people see a group of strange creatures moving around a metallic object near the Tesla monument in Niklas Hills, New Jersey.

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October 31, 2020: Due to the COVID lockdowns in many cities, the number of people out trick or treating was lower than normal. Due to this sightings of Hollow Jack were fewer than normal.

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October 30, 1976: Julie Forrin (18) is out with her friends celebrating her birthday when she notices a strange house on a hill that seems to be mounted on a giant chicken leg. They decide to investigate. To their horror the house is not empty.

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October 29, 2020: While attempting to perfect his matter transport beam, Dr. Simon Esqual (67) used his cat as a test subject. The first 18 times the experiment worked perfectly. On the 19th try there was a power failure caused by a thunder storm.

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October 24, 2020: 10:03pm Christen Grotes (33) calls 911 reporting a bright light and loud explosion. 11:55pm Squallville police call in to dispatch saying there was no sign of the Grotes family and they were attacked by something “like a bug but bigger.”

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The worst thing is, this experiment has been tried at least twice previously (once in Canada and once in the U.S) and the body count is still rising. There’s even rumours something is haunting the site of the original experiment....

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1932-present: The small town of Widow’s Falls, New Brunswick is mostly known for sad story of Gretchen Carlson for whom the Falls were named but many people visit the town in hopes of seeing “Sleepie” the Sleep lake Fish Man.

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