

Ace/Aro | SFW | artist/cartoonist | 22 | DNI NSFW, proshipper, pro-AI “art”, nft bros | BSD, gothic literature, roller coaster lover | GV: @Hyde_GV1886

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:158

Gaston Leroux
Ability: Phantom of the Opera
( I’m still on the fence with his ability, I can’t decide whether it should just simply be invisibility or the ability to put people who see his face into trances ( which would be a reason for him to wear the mask)
He is dead atm

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Thomas Peckett Prest
Ability: String of pearls ( other wise known as Sweeney Todd)
He is able to summon, control and levitate knives and daggers
He is a vigilante

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William Golding
Ability: Lord of the Flies
Through touch, he is able to drive anyone insane, insane enough to either take the lives of other people he’s infected with his ability or take their own life
He is the founder and boss of the stray cats

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Robert Louis Stevenson
Ability: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
He is able to take the form of other people and act exactly like that person. He can take the form of animals but it does cause him pain so he sticks to just humans. He also does have a split personality- (1/2)

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Mary Shelley
Ability: Frankenstein
She is able to revive people but she can’t mend broken bones or heal internal wounds, she also must stitch up and open wounds before reviving
She works for the stray cats

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Washington Irving
Ability: Rip Van Winkle
He is able to put people to sleep or in a daze through just one touch
Works for the stray cats

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Merle Robbins
Ability: UNO
He has a skip and reverse card. If he throws out the skip, it’s similar to Dazais ability in that it cancel out others abilities while the reverse will you know, reverse the ability, so if he’s facing off against Akutagawa, he can- (1/2)

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T.S. Eliot
Ability: Practical Cats
He can control any feline within a mile radius
He works for a group I made up called the Stray Cats

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I’m making a thread of all my BSD OCs so far. I’ll start off with one of my first ones

Daniel Keyes
ability: Flowers for Algernon. Basically he can talk to rodents
He works for the ADA

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Also just so people know, these are a couple of my Bungou stray dog ocs. The one in red is Thomas Prest and the one in all gray is Robert Stevenson. I’ll post all of my characters at some point

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