

digital artist! ☕
I'm on Patreon! patreon.com/apofiss

フォロー数:725 フォロワー数:107578

Friends (=`ω´=)🎃 Wallpaper link below!

1132 7218

Some of my black cat paintings (=`ω´=)🖤 One of them dating back from 2008 o_o

875 5220

Autumn season themed mobile Wallpaper Pack available on my Gumroad!✨(=`ω´=)✨Link below!

135 1217

New work! (=`ω´=)🌿Idea is based on an older work back from 2014 titled "nature walk". Wallpaper size available for all Tier$3 patrons ^_^ Link below!

534 3825

Autumn vibes from previous years! 🍂 Best season ever! (=`ω´=)

3018 14818

More of my fantasy cats also featuring nature and storm cat! 🌿(=`ω´=)

1873 10486

Some of my sakura themed artworks (=`ω´=) 🌸

4538 22665

Some of my big cat paintings! (=`ェ´=)

881 4992

Calico cat with a big dark patch! Originally it has green eyes, but another blue eyed calico was super close in Patreon poll so... (=`ω´=)

707 6854