pricey 🦀さんのプロフィール画像

pricey 🦀さんのイラストまとめ

50% ramblings, 50% ffxiv rants, 0.1% sketches (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)

フォロー数:263 フォロワー数:378

Testing pixiv sketch. Smoothening is great, good for sketching. Discovered layers only after I finished ; w ;

0 6

There was a time when I could draw details 😥 (where did it all go)

0 4

Learning to model things.

0 7

Crop of a secret santa gift for ~ haven't posted any art in two months I'm sorry _(:3

2 8

I made this halloween-christmas-tree thing while clearing some boxes at the office and someone borrowed it for a video.

0 1

How do you make ads for charms (do you call them ads)? Yuri on ice charms for

1 12