

Kickass Art Director & Oil Painter. Star Wars geek. Web design, comics, movies & art! Follow my LoreOlympus fanart on Instagram.com/AprilSketcho/

フォロー数:512 フォロワー数:3175

Eros is the whole fandom. 😂 The kiss seen round the world! We love it!

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Minthe tells Persephone that Oceanidsss is a “costume party”. Crossover Legally Blonde. Hades is trying to keep it together.

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“You should get in the car.”

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I’m a fan for life Rachel. Fan. For. Life. You have no idea how much you make me laugh.

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Hermès and Persephone’s flight...

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Minthe splitting the fandom.

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Eye! Painting work in progress.

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