

24 | FIN/ENG | i draw, cosplay and play games | art @nereidere | xiv spam @alphinaudsgf

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:1288

i haven't rly kept up with enstars but they are Still on my mind and 😭😭 these are so cute.....

1 5

made me and the gf on picrew and i gotta post here too bc it's so cute haha😢💓

1 30

a compilation..😩💦

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a preview of my piece for !! please check out everyone else's beautiful work as well😔💖

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some doodles😔💖

11 93

uhh niko but in shimakaze's outfit because it felt like something i needed in my life

11 130

i'm sO rusty but i powered through this so that sora could get headpats........

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