arcanneJ | COMMISSION ON PROGRESS | Dying insideさんのプロフィール画像

arcanneJ | COMMISSION ON PROGRESS | Dying insideさんのイラストまとめ

ID/Eng | Illustrator | KIDS : @gingehenna @SakuKuratakun @KurohHakujaVT @pia_jkt48v
| God is always ON TIME ✝️

フォロー数:289 フォロワー数:1432

Oh i had this cute characters i made. I was planning to make short series of their interactions before finally i got busy. Say hi to Bumby and Piggu 😎

0 14

It’s been a whileee omg- i cant remember the last time i open twitter 😭 just gonna put my modest fanart of here ❤️❤️ he’s just such a cutie pie

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Good things happened this morning. So i decided to post smth light--- /make sense??

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Another dreamy artwork i did---

itu kupingnya 4.............

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AW kay--
I called this, fantasy

aku pernah baca manhwa //aku lupa judulnya// tapi cakep banget gambarnya hwe-- dan bikin aku pen create char yg fantasy-like hweee

3 13

Jadi aku punya bbrp style nggambar aaaa- nah yg ini aku nyebutnya Dreamy

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