ardnin ➡️🦋@ardnin.splatoonlore.inkさんのプロフィール画像

ardnin ➡️🦋@ardnin.splatoonlore.inkさんのイラストまとめ

I make all kinds of content about Splatoon and its lore!
These days I'm mostly working on my youtube channel.
I'm also on tumblr:

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Made some improvements to Splatoon 1 maps should they return to Splatoon 3. You can hire me Nintendo

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was watching a Vinesauce stream where Vinny was showcasing DALL-E 2 AI generated images, and this was a result of the prompt "the best painting of all time"

The AI knows Octopusses are awesome

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also here are the silliest ones aside the first one. These are incredible

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