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Cave for kids, Trondheim
Playing is not just for kids. Haugen/Zohar have dug a cave for kids out of a block of industrial waste material...
Architect: Haugen/Zohar
#architecture #arquitectura
Hugo Häring 1882-1958
Gut Garkau Farm... Lubeck. 1926
#architecture #arquitectura #ARCHITECTURALMODEL #model #maqueta #drawing #Häring #HugoHäring
High Houses, Sarajevo...1995-96
Lebbeus Woods 1940-2012
#architecture #arquitectura #drawing #ARCHITECTURALMODEL #model #maqueta #Project #proyecto #LebbeusWoods
Luigi Moretti...
Progetto della Chiesa Santa Maria Mater Ecclesiae, Roma...1970
#architecture #arquitectura #drawing #plan #section #Moretti #LuigiMoretti
...parecidos razonables...
-Город на опорах. Проекты, City on supports, Lazar Khidekel...1923-28
-Tougaloo College Master Plan, Gunnar Birkerts and Associates...1966
The Richard Lechner House, 11600 Amanda Drive, Studio City CA...1948
Rudolph Schindler...
#architecture #arquitectura #interior #drawing #RudolfSchindler #Schindler