

Areeis/アリス/아리스 | THEY | All robots, AIs, androids, mechas & most cyborgs welcome | !하면 된다! | !Respect Larvae Moth! | !!캇토빙이다, 우리들!! |

フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:137

I like your new Lord but why is it snakes? Why does it always have to be snakes?

0 1

*Very* late request for the 14th.
(but you can eat cake every day, right?)

5 16

From Windy's memory: Flame's first offense

5 18

Hhh so cool! This goes into a kind of organic steampunk aesthetic I really dig XDD

0 0

Capybara Spectre & Ryoken

2 10

Capybara Spectre & Yusaku

6 10