

Scribblings and Shitposts. 18+ pls!

フォロー数:32 フォロワー数:165

From a convo abt what if the houses were different fast food franchises. The 3rd got hooters v_v.

20 93

When you and the crew visit the UK and find out they have bins full of knives just sitting around.

20 110

*all star plays as I lie face down on the ground*

7 25

Brain said Ianthe as Axl Rose, so. Also I tried to make her greasy and gross but she came out hot, sorry about that. ALSO! Happy Pride Month Everyone!!

2 22

Yeah sure it seems like a great idea until Nyanthe coughs up a hairball at your table and most of it's not even her hair.

14 36

POV: You're Gideon Nav and your uh.. Good Friend, mhm, yup nothing more than that nosiree, Camilla Hect is helping you out with your situp routine.

15 74

*interstellar theme 10 hours plays* It's fine, she's a lyctor, she'll be okay, probably.

5 27

Ianthe as one of those reversible plush toys except when you turn her inside out you get... well, yeah.

37 202