

Scribblings and Shitposts. 18+ pls!

フォロー数:33 フォロワー数:189

From a convo abt what if the houses were different fast food franchises. The 3rd got hooters v_v.

20 93

*all star plays as I lie face down on the ground*

7 25

Brain said Ianthe as Axl Rose, so. Also I tried to make her greasy and gross but she came out hot, sorry about that. ALSO! Happy Pride Month Everyone!!

2 22

Yeah sure it seems like a great idea until Nyanthe coughs up a hairball at your table and most of it's not even her hair.

14 36

POV: You're Gideon Nav and your uh.. Good Friend, mhm, yup nothing more than that nosiree, Camilla Hect is helping you out with your situp routine.

15 74

*interstellar theme 10 hours plays* It's fine, she's a lyctor, she'll be okay, probably.

5 27

Ianthe as one of those reversible plush toys except when you turn her inside out you get... well, yeah.

37 202

Ianthe tries to seduce Harrow using ..."alternative" flesh necromancy. It has....unintended side effects. I spent waaaaaay too much time on this.

27 123