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Dah singgah nanti jangan lupa letak sticky notes!

39 346

we’re just strangers with some memories

0 4

This is Grim Ontot. His duty is to collect soul and butt coins! heehee👻

2 16

Next anime fest nanti pkai cosplay yg ni la

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Semalam space sembang raya je tahu2 dapat plak🤧 hiks

0 3

Baru post new artwork. Last post tahun lepas hshshs lama jugak tu

https://t.co/9fDcy1FnSZ https://t.co/nBbRIPu1mb

4 8

8.5/10 🔥 malas nk ckp banyak. Best gak! Cant wait for s2.

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Alisha: Heyyyy!

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