

————— ✨🧡🌱💭 idk i love a lot of things…

フォロー数:366 フォロワー数:255

followed a neat tutorial to improve my adobe illustrator skills 💖 hooray for learning new things and this lil plant!

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my brain goes into a fight-flight-freeze response until i write my tasks down as a list and suddenly Big things don't seem so big and scary anymore. a little more organizing here and there, and then i have a plan of action and i'm in full olivia pope mode

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me trying to keep up with all the work messages coming in from viber, gmail, outlook, ms teams, and fb messenger

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can't believe i got the little mermaid as a child and ponyo in my adult years thank you universe

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finished three posters with custom illustrations in three days!

my hands are dead and my brain is still overthinking the color palette but i'm really happy with the work i produced!!! ya girl did it 😎

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re-downloaded bc all i want to do while still in quarantine is to be domestic with my girlfriend, play with our seven cats, and decorate our house 🙏✨

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absolutely in love with today's photo and quote ✨

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🎨 of what i've been working on this afternoon! still torn between white doodles or matisse-inspired shapes for the background 🤔

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