有馬 美樹 a.k.a. 美樹 まりあ@一次創作アカ(傷病により休載中)さんのプロフィール画像

有馬 美樹 a.k.a. 美樹 まりあ@一次創作アカ(傷病により休載中)さんのイラストまとめ

英雄叙事詩(エピック)的な恋愛ファンタジー小説「ルナティアーノ・サガ」連載中。カクヨム tiny.cc/LunaSagaKkym なろう tiny.cc/LunaSagaNru I'm amateur novelist, not painter.

フォロー数:808 フォロワー数:397

Leather armor that covers the chest and back in one piece with long slit skirt. Clothing woven of Damascus steel as thin as thread. Crafted with scales that shimmer in a deep blue color.

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Three-sided view. Leather armor that covers the chest and back in one piece with skirt. Clothing woven of Damascus steel as thin as thread. Crafted with scales that shimmer in a deep blue color.

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Three-sided view. Leather breastplate that covers the chest and back in one piece. Clothing woven of Damascus steel as thin as thread. Crafted with scales that shimmer in a deep blue color.

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3枚目から Generate Variations してみたもの

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1枚目から Generate Variations してみたもの

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Leather armor. Three-sided view. For men. It covers the chest and shoulders, torso and back in one piece. Clothing woven of Damascus steel as thin as thread. Crafted with dragon scales that shimmer in a deep blue color, sewn into every crevice.

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Leather armor. Three-sided view. It covers the chest and shoulders, torso and back in one piece. Clothing woven of Damascus steel as thin as thread. Crafted with dragon scales that shimmer in a deep blue color, sewn into every crevice.

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