

Owned by God.
Given by God.
To be Used by God.

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Everything will be meaningful if we rely on God's wisdom, goodness, and timing. Your turn will eventually come, don't worry. :)

8 29

Black sheep - a member of a family or group who is regarded as a disgrace to it. They are considered bad or worthless.
But in the eyes of God, black sheep are just dirty, waiting to be cleansed by the shepherd.
Though our sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

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In life, you can't take without giving, and you can't give without taking. Like breathing, you can't take too much of what you need, and you can't give too much of what you have. Basic.

4 29

Me: You look like an angel
Her who reads the bible: *slaps me in the face*


7 26

We all have that one person.. <3

14 48

Retweet mo nalang kahit di mo gets para isipin nilang matalino ka. :D


1 6

And sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, you still hope.

1 21

Tawag sa friendly association ng mga unan.


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