

Trans Queen from Queen City. Currently a college student
Animation, illustrations, & performance
🗣️ #blm #transrights 🍉🗣️

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:824

Ender Dragon getting a refreshful heal O_O

48 206

[you better forgive her]

0 6

First time making an emote. This is for (when i make more i'll just reply to this post O_O

3 20

Some symmetrical everlast O_O

5 23

Warmup! here have funny goth mom rat as my warmup duddle B)

13 68

Some comic practice :D

7 42

His name is Reverend (Not religious its just his name) (he goes by Rev)

4 17

LOOK at HIM. he is saying hello you MUST respond

10 60

I plan to take a lil break for February. CYA later NERDS HAHAHHA

0 19

YA want MORE everlast, i'd show you more...

5 42