

Dark humor comics/illustrations. published in U.S. Greece, Italy. Nft's on Makersplace, SuperRare
NFT og first mint 2018

フォロー数:1582 フォロワー数:1907

ATTENTION The event seems ta be bringing 1/2 the world to ...our job, get them to stay. TIME TA SHOW OFF YOUR WORK, YO! On your page loud and proud, and feel free to post your best here for my fans to see!

2 16

Thanks and congratulations!! to the new owner (mysteriously listed only by an eth wallet address) of this Voodoo Joe ! It was on Rarible...which I forgot to mention. Between comic deadlines, nftart, my train wreck of a personal life, I lost track of wtf I was all doing :/

0 14

Thanks and congratulations to on taking ownership of the last minting of each of these, as well as "Alice Adrift"! Good choices! I'm pleased with how well/how weird all 3 turned out. Good examples of my work, glad you like em!

5 30

editions of my found many homes, some as gifts, some taken by patrons. editions only available until Xmas then it will disappear from my page (side note, real pleased with how Santa's scowl & candy cane shiv turned out)

3 14

"art train" ...I learned what that is, just now. you retweet/add your art and tag other (shrug) okee dokee no one get pissed if I missed ya

3 20

minted this , then hid it til the holidays
Giving some as gifts, ur welcome 2 own one if ya like it. ONLY available til 25th! info & progress shots here

3 21

Thanks and congratulations to for taking ownership of editions each of these! Good choices! proud of each for their detail & weird charm XD. I look now, my store almost empty again D:

0 16

aaannd...the drop is live!
two that are the beginnings of me expanding further into the digital possibilities of capturing the imagination, and 1 that is a piece of A.L. history

6 21

Thanks and congratulations to "jdjza" and "dodo" for taking ownership of a minting of this one! Big drop thurs IF theres of mine u like, u should probably get it now.
sayin THAT as a collector, who waited & missed & nfts I wanted>:(

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