

I'm just an idiot with a pen

フォロー数:759 フォロワー数:7468

Reworked this pirate Tibarn for the convention I'm attending 🌴🌴

142 517

🍃 Free as the wind 🍃

35 103

Drew my Tower of Fantasy baby while waiting the queue to enter 😵‍💫

8 37

Been working lately on OC references ☺️

12 42

I doodled my main baby today and swapped profile pics! 😌

8 32

🌈 I drew pride Camilla 🌈
Felt like drawing something colorful and happy 😌🌈 Happy pride month too!

545 1474

The fact that I was so so so close????

241 1851

Woooo first drawing after hiatus!
3Hopes Dedue making me feel things ☺️

423 1081