

🇩🇪hobby-artist - digital/traditional - 🏳️‍🌈 - D&D everywhere - she/her - ace/aro/polyaffectionate

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:88

15 € - fullbody Chibi
Due to an unexpected vet bill me and my sister are currently on the lower end on the financial scale. We probably could manage it, but we need far more money for the next month for necessary following check ups. (1/3)

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Finished the chibi for the raffle just today for and got the ok for the finished version. <3
She wished for her character Nale and I was super happy, because he looked just so sweet! >v<

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Thank you for that great opportunity. ♡
I present you my Starbound OC Pyrill. I think she would look awesome in your style ♡♡♡

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2008 vs 2019

I always thought on redrawing this one and I finally got to it this year. <3 There is so much time between these two I'm suprised myself!

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My artrade part for
Her lovely draenei Chihiro. It made so much fun drawing her. I'm always happy when you ask for her in trades and such. <3 Draenei FTW <333

(the last inktober will be finished at least tomorrow, promised!)

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I found you over this and have to say, you have an awesome style. So thank you a lot for this opportunity. :)

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I feel you on so many levels. D:

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