ArtBats 🦇 Looking for storyboard work!さんのプロフィール画像

ArtBats 🦇 Looking for storyboard work!さんのイラストまとめ

Hiya! I'm a storyboard and comic-maker, and previously freelance illustrator. | Looking for work! | Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:48

Hi! I like drawing stylized fantasy OCs with the hopes of getting into the animation or games industry someday.

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“Ah, no, I wouldn’t trust me either. You may regret it very awfully. But tell me, my friend, have you any other choice?” A dream I had about this trickster cyclops cat. He started out as an antagonist but I think he ended up joining the heroes, as any good snarky antagonist does.

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Here are some of mine! Some OCs, a completely accurate rendering of my cat, and some weird creatures from a dream

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Hi I draw stylized fantasy creatures and characters, storyboards, and animation.

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Hi! I'm ace, possibly aro, and I do arts. No follower goal, though!

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My cat, engaged in her favorite activity of running around the house with a toy in her mouth, yowling for praise. Such a good little hunter!

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Hello I like to draw fantasy, interesting creatures, and characters with questionable fashion sense

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