

Una piattaforma web tesa a valorizzare l'arte, il turismo e la formazione.

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Isamu Noguchi with Undine (1925)

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“Se potessi esprimerlo con le parole non ci sarebbe nessuna ragione per dipingerlo.”

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Greeks and Trojans fighting over the body of Patroclus, 1836

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Hungarian artist Flóra Borsi has a keen talent for creating surreal visuals

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Lush Paintings of Solitary Swimmers by Pedro Covo

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Evocative image of rose embers

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Grace And Dance Frozen In Flour In Photos By Alexander Yakovlev

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Free Ride- A Crow Catches a Lift on the Back of a Bald Eagle

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Claude Monet, Edouard Manet and… seas. Purple and blue… seas.

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