

Una piattaforma web tesa a valorizzare l'arte, il turismo e la formazione.

フォロー数:1296 フォロワー数:2439

Sad modern world – The twisted satirical illustrations of Steve Cutts

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Maserati Boomerang Concept, by Italdesign

1 2

Sculpture of Mother Nature Rotating Earth by Lorenzo Quinn

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mysterious Spriggans, save that they revere Skyrim’s forested regions, and will defend these regions with their lives

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Heterochromia (Evgeniya Drach)

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Botticelli c. 1480
Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci (detail)

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prospettive diverse

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Natalie Fletcher found a way to combine her love for painting and photography with what she calls living compositions

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buona notte da arteide

1 2

Che titolo daresti a questa opera di Jeremy Mann?

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