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Prepare yourself to encounter a completely fresh dimension of comics! Artithmeric is set to launch in only 3 Days!


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Our Powers Squared Kickstarter Campaign has come to an end!
We, along with Powers Squared, would like to thank all our backers for pledging their support!

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We are fully funded, but you can still help us reach our stretch goals with one week left to pledge. Follow the link below to become a backer!

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With two weeks left of our Powers Squared Kickstarter we are on our way to being fully funded! Only 14% left to reach our main goal, we still have some stretch goals we want to meet, pledge your support now!

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The personal connection the creators have with the characters shines through in their work and the story about these ass-kicking twins. If you love Powers Squared as much as we do, back our Kickstarter!

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Our Powers Squared Kickstarter Campaign is halfway funded!

Let's keep up the momentum and by pledging your support for these awesome creators!

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You'll get an inside look at the creative process and help that project come to life. You’ll also get to choose from a variety of unique rewards offered by Powers Squared.

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Powers Squared allowed Paul and Trevor to explore the representation of identical twins as leading characters without resorting to longstanding stereotypes. Twins, while very similar, are also individuals.

Get ready to back our Powers Squared Kickstarter!

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