Paul Williamsさんのプロフィール画像

Paul Williamsさんのイラストまとめ

🇬🇧 🇯🇵 animator - The Magnificent Life of Marcel Pagnol, L'Illusioniste, The Red Turtle, Klaus & other films. 日本語勉強中です。

フォロー数:490 フォロワー数:3628

some ghibli colour to brighten up twitter!
(a big thanks to for sharing this originally almost a decade ago now.. but still so relevent)

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紅の豚 porco rosso by miyazaki hayao is 29 years old today in Japan, compared to his other films i find it doesnt get as much love, despite how beautifully crafted it is as a character study in survivors guilt, whilst still being everything a miyazaki film gives.

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紅の豚 porco rosso by miyazaki hayao deserves more credit than it generally receives... theres a wit in the dialog which you dont always find in his other films i find, and its beautifully crafted as well...

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its been a wonderful journey so far, ive managed to work on films id want to see and enjoyed learning from some great artists. from europe to australasia, to north america and now asia (japan) always learning and enjoying the challenge to reinvent my skillset!

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really hard choosing 4 films.. so many others i could add to the list... but these four all have a similar feeling i guess!

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hi im a traditional animator working in japan. ive worked on L'illusioniste, The Red Turtle, Klaus, Ethel & Ernerst & Green Eggs & Ham. including some upcoming projects i cant yet name (^ _ ^)

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Klaus art of book! looking like one to get maybe (^ _ ^) via

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When you had plans and forgot to check the weather... 0.o すごい雨

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私はアニメーター (^_^)

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クタクタ。。。its been an intense week of animating...

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