Yoann Le Scoul【📙 BRAVEST JOURNEY ②】さんのプロフィール画像

Yoann Le Scoul【📙 BRAVEST JOURNEY ②】さんのイラストまとめ

🖌️#artist @warewarestudio
🖋️#author @nouvelle_hydre
▶️📖 nouvelle-hydre.fr/bravest-journey


フォロー数:1286 フォロワー数:5223

WEEKLY ART - 🎮 Favorite Handheld Game Fights [2/4]

Pokémon (GB) - ⚔️ VS Blue

After defeating the Elite Four, the final challenge of most kids of my generation ! First time seeing the Hall of Fame was legendary… !

18 70

For those who like steps and WIP :
(I enjoyed drawing the background but I had to make it more discrete so the characters could stand out properly haha)

0 7

Bravery / Happy moments together

Illustration 👇


0 10

Happy moments together 🤗

Bravery / Original work

📖 Read Bravery today (🇫🇷) :

4 31

Gohan • 悟飯 🔥
Quick redraw
1️⃣ 2021 : new one
2️⃣ 2016 : old sketch

28 157

POV : you're Goku and you're babbling about training for 3 years.

55 672