Snow 🥪🍝 Dunmeshi Brainrotさんのプロフィール画像

Snow 🥪🍝 Dunmeshi Brainrotさんのイラストまとめ

Animation major @ SVA (hold)
☆ Storytelling and Animation

フォロー数:1794 フォロワー数:2198

The title card I designed as part of a school project: reimagining a well-known story/concept

For mine, I did Brave 2012 but instead of a bear, the mother would turn into a dragon

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found this old piece of art i drew for @/buhNiful on my mom's laptop

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Did it in time :,D (haha technically)
+ progress stuff cuz I think it's cool to share them~

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Looking for voice-acting/voiceover people for our collaborative film project, "Midnight Aquaroom"! If you are interested, please feel free to DM or comment below~

Ellie: 5-7 yo, f, sickly but energetic and positive
Tom: 10-12 yo, m, caring loving older brother

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time for an ART RAFFLE 2022 followers in the year 2022

- Post OC/something you'd like for me to draw
- Comment why you started following me
- RT, likes, follows appreciated but not necessary

Will pick winner by 10/16
Good luck! and Thank you ❄️

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Still digging the roughs, WIP

Thanks for coming by the stream <3

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