

I am a visual artist exploring consciousness and the infinite stories of the cosmos.

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:494

We are one through individuation. My experience becomes yours through a different lens when I share my perspective. Downloading your experiential data expands my perceptions, providing me with a greater capacity for compassion and understanding.

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"Somewhere, in the distant, hidden, and primordial regions of my soul mind, I can access my powers and remember who I am."

5 29

Fluid Light (WIP) - "If you can flow like liquid light, you can bathe in rivers of living truth; you can realize your soul's identity within the body of our Creator."

12 39

"Would you like to play a more advanced game/simulation this time? Explore a world of illusion where the only true goal is to be guided by Love and powered by Joy. Try Earth; experience points are guaranteed."

5 23