some palette requests i did a while ago on tumblr. In order: jon, martin, tim
#themagnusarchives #MagnusPod #MagnusArchives
some more fun art ive done for The Underwood Collection. I cannot recommend it highly enough! This is a great time to start listening, bc they drop their 1st season finale this Monday.
@PitchLibrary #podcasts
Some b-day requests i did on tumblr!
In order: What Became of Cecil Coester, Frank Prosper
Actually got to go hiking for my birthday! Not as exciting as Lucy's hike, but I'll take what i can get.
Art from last week's underwood collection episode.
episodes found at @PitchLibrary
POV: you are Elias, and three highly dangerous femme lesbians want your blood.
#themagnusarchives #MagnusPod #MagnusArchives