Sune Munchさんのプロフィール画像

Sune Munchさんのイラストまとめ

Hobby illustrator with a serious Promarker addiction. Gotta catch 'em all!

フォロー数:856 フォロワー数:277

Plenty of gems in the collection. Corals, plants, and fungi, too.

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Another warme welcome from me - and these two mysterious creatures...

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Who needs to superman anything when you're a mystical mushroom that can literally make rocks fly???

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You should definitely do your own research, but I believe checks all those boxes - and the lore is insanely interesting. This is Class A world-building married to NFTs, and it's delicious.

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are hardly a secret by now, but certainly undervalued for their community and plans for the future. At that floor price, it's a bargain for the unique artwork alone. 🔥🔥🔥

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Plenty of plans within the project, and hey! No matter what, this is art you'd want to have ownership of. Their completely unique in this space.

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Surreals () is just a magical collection of artwork, yet so much more! A kind community, fun challenges like lore building and giveaways, and plenty more in the works. I think you'd like it.

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We're all fans here. A performance magical enough to make rocks fly! 🔥

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