

Painter of urban places. Mostly Coventry. Prints available: see website for details. SENCO Leics…

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Sometimes the train to Cov is miles away - this gang ❤️🙌
Love these friends for their fun, optimism, care, love - friends are the best x

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It’s been a busy few weeks. I’ve just realised that Joe returns to uni next weekend and am feeling sad. It’s a right emotional upheaval.
This a visual representation of my mood and emotional state.

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Wind chimes are making a right racket - don’t you just love an invisible force?

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Went to watch the Three Hail Mary’s with and cried heads off. ❤️

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Then we went for many drinks 🍷

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Have spent all afternoon working with Beth to complete application forms for jobs. It's a tiring experience.
Head scrambled with words.

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Two laps - didn’t run all the way today - tired legs. But still pleased i got out - fastest time over 1km. What I need is a pace setter.

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Getting fasterish - really do need to just whop another Km on the end - not here though - on the roads. 2 laps of the park is a killer.

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