aru._draws | Dying Acc lawlzさんのプロフィール画像

aru._draws | Dying Acc lawlzさんのイラストまとめ

Digital Artist | They/Them |
I draw sometimes
(ENG/IND) 🚫Do not Repost🚫
Might open commissions soon🩵

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:223

Seumur hidup gambar digital pernahnya pake jari sama pentab di laptop. Tapi ini gambarnya yg pake jari semua

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Just a small artist looking for mutuals✨️ Here are some of my artworks

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2021 VS 2022
There was definitely a change in my persona and my artstyle Lmao

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Here are some of my artworks. Idk what to say abt myself tbh, I'm Aru and I draw:D I like all ice cream flavours

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