Aleksandra @ Chamomile Island🏝️ & stealin' heartsさんのプロフィール画像

Aleksandra @ Chamomile Island🏝️ & stealin' heartsさんのイラストまとめ

I do the numbers and data by day, draw the arts by night and also vidyagame

28⭐P3/4/5⭐KH⭐AA/GS⭐Tales of⭐

フォロー数:2290 フォロワー数:344

Something I got to draw for my friends as a thank you 🥰🥰

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Working on some proper 2009 -> 2019 piece (hopefully i finish it glhjg)

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Post your 4 favorite Pokémon and let your followers decide if you have rights

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