

2014 to 2018…

フォロー数:275 フォロワー数:188

Hey Takara if you ever have problem feel free to just Skype me. I'm always here for you. Besides we are fandom sisters you can come to me for anything

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Idk why but I really like Pink Lady Apple's right now. Someone get me 10 of them!

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I was talking to one of my teachers who have's the Nintendo switch and I said I might get Splittoon 2. He said to me that the game sucks. I just laughed

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I'am so sleepy from working so hard today

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I'm so died right now but I have to work on Paintings. I just want to crash in bed. Oh well I can sleep when iam died

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I was over at my friends house and she made this for me. I'm in love with this

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Yay Christmas music is playing on the radio

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I really hate when I get headaches. Time to rest for a bit

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God 90% of my day have's been me crying 😭 I hate it when people make me upset over nothing well I'm just trying to do the right thing

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