

👑 Queen of the stream! Twitch Ambassador. Twitch Women’s Guild Leader. Retro variety casts - Mon, Tue, Thur, Sat, Sun, GOG: Mon 👑 ✉: [email protected]

フォロー数:2783 フォロワー数:6480

Been catching up on some of those channel point drawings I meant to clean up and send out 😅 Sorry it took so long.

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I made these emotes based on cmonbruh and LUL for when more bit emotes slots become available for me. For now they are on FFZ and BTTV! I hope you like them!

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👑 I just added Princess Zelda’s crown (Twilight Princess) as the 2-month badge! 👑

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Post four fictional characters that mean the world to you and tag five others to do the same...

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I really enjoy photography. During the summer I love to walk around and capture the little moments that remind me why I love my home city. Here is one of my fave examples.

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Hi from my mom and me!

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Went out for a walk ☺️

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Just digitized a new one for BTTV!

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