

ARCHIVED ACCOUNT ! new account @astridoiid

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i love them so much 🤲

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yea yea yea stole this from pix yea yea yea

1 24

bro moshi came from a minecraft skin on namemc,,, i just edited the hair and skin and horns
eventually i remember going like “wow she’d make a nice oc ill turn her into one” and boom

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mo would definitely be a dark/psychic

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GOOD MORNING I HEARD OCS WITH HORNS? (not all of them have horns in the last pic but u get the idea >:]

0 3

umm uhh ummummm the they they uh ummm um m hmfmmmmm uhhmm muhh uhh mhjm uhh

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what if uhhh uhmmm mm mu hhhh uh uhm the if you uhh humm if you uh the the uhhh uhmmm mhmmm uhhhh the what if you hmmm uhh h uhhh hhh

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what if i offered you them

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