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"When gazing up at the night sky, it is not you that sees the universe, but the universe seeing itself in Human form.'
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) was the first celestial object identified as being spiral. he grand, spiraling arms of the Whirlpool Galaxy are made up of long lanes of stars and gas, sprinkled with lots of space dust.
“Not only are we in the universe, the universe is in us. I don't know of any deeper spiritual feeling than what that brings upon me.”
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Enceladus, one of Saturn’s smaller moons, reflects 90% of the Sun’s light Because Enceladus’ icy surface reflects sunlight rather than absorbing it, temperatures reach as low as -394° Fahrenheit (-201° Celsius).
People who love space have broad minds. When you start thinking about Stars, Galaxies, Black Holes, nebulae, the size of the universe, etc, you find out that ego, pride, jealousy & money make no sens.
Venus is the hottest planet.
Although Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, Venus has the highest temperature due to the gases in its atmosphere. A Greenhouse Effect maintains its constant temperature of 430°C.
There are more than 200 moons in our solar system. Out of all these moons, Jupiter and Saturn have the most orbiting around them. Meanwhile, Mercury and Venus are the only 2 planets that don’t have moons.
Astronomy is the key that unlocks the doorway to other Worlds. Stars and Galaxies, Quasras and Black holes. They make you realize how Small You are and how Insignificant your Jealousy, Hatred, Anger and other Human Emotions are."
When Richard Feynman was
named "The Smartest Man In the World" by Omni Magazine, his mother Lucille Feynman said: "Our Richie? The world's smartest man? God help us!"