

~ I'm ishida sui's wife but he doesn't know it yet :)

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# ennead

Horus :
I saw before my eyes a never ending crimson desert

Fg :
It was as if the burning flames appeared as burned ashes

Mojito :
Your eyes and smile can set other people's hearts on fire or blacken the world with madness

the way they describe seth😭

26 124

theory :
I don't know if you paid attention or not, but the inside mirror nephthys has no shadow
But I don't know if it should be called shadow or reflection....

58 496



Even if Seth is guilty for killing humans
the rest of the gods are also guilty because they had the power to stop Set
But they did nothing and just watched from afar
Gods like Ra,Nat,Geb
Seth has completely believed that he is to blame for everything and remains silent

11 59

So I'm not foot fetish
Damn it
I am for him

12 200

Isn't anyone willing to be upset about Seth being r*ped all the time?

This is not interesting,this situation is disturbing,
Ennead has a good story,but the fact that the main character is always a sexual assault victim is ridiculous, once or twice is not a problem

8 82

What others see vs what I see

28 251

Since Osiris punishes whoever touches or hurts seth
Also hates them all (according to his q&a )
+ In addition to that hieroglyph
Maybe Osiris was jealous of nephthys because seth was in love with her so he decided to imprisonment real Nephthys in the mirror?

25 153

I love red and it has only one reason , Him

6 84