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Yo, it’s #PortfolioDay! I’m ATOM TODD, a mercenary illustrator & graphic designer looking for work. I’m currently available for contract, freelance & accepting commissions so hit me up if you think I could help you out! Cheers!
📩 AtomTheArtist@gmail.com
The next minifig from our Political Action Figures collection:
“The Intersectional Feminist” Ilhan Omar!
🇺🇸 “I am America’s hope and the president’s nightmare.”
- @IlhanMN @Ilhan
#art #illustration #IlhanOmar #istandwithilhan #thesquad #equality #legoartist #FLICKSBRICKS!
“The Environmentalist” Greta Thunberg!
🌍 “The world is waking up and change is coming. Whether you like it or not.” - @gretathunberg of @fridaysforfuture
#art #GretaThunberg #schoolstrike4climate #fridaysforfuture #FLICKSBRICKS!
Illustrator extraordinaire Arturo Torres! @arturodraws
#art #illustrator #texas #therapyearbook #basketballandotherthings #moviesandotherthings #FLICKSBRICKS!
FlicksBricks: The Machine! @bertkreischer
#art #illustration #bertkreischer #bertcast #billbertpodcast #comedian #standupcomedy #allthingscomedy #legoart #FLICKSBRICKS!
Hey all! Just putting this out there: Two of my main bread-n-butter gigs have ended this year & I’m looking for work. If you know anyone who needs some custom art/comic art/portraits/ musician art/t-shirt art/children’s books/graphic design/murals/posters, please keep me in mind!
FlicksBricks: Shea Serrano! Puttin’ it down for TX!
Be sure to check out my man @SheaSerrano new book ‘Movies (and Other Things)’ with dope illustrations by @arturodraws!
#art #illustration #foharmy #rapcoloringandactivitybook #therapyearbook #movesandotherthings #FLICKSBRICKS!