

ren | 🏳️‍⚧️ | Art+OCs+storytelling | grown ass adult | 18+ themes | I'm always in my head making stories | ENG/日本語OK! | opre roma! | they/them

フォロー数:1091 フォロワー数:824

Examples of commissions! I am open to any style of commission, prices range from $5 to $150+ for scenes etc. You can also PWYW and receive art based on how much you pay. For more details DM me. Trying to get another ~$200-250 to help keep my sister housed for now.

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also a v rough sketch of Jordan when she received the crown of eyes

1 10 will be streaming some commissions tonight!

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I also do design commissions and adoptables if anyone is interested! and are still open for sale, $10 minimum each.

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My sister and I are in a pickle, she's come to visit but some things aren't going so well. We need to find housing by the end of September or we are out on the streets. I have been taking commissions and am still open, I also have for any help at all.

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this is from a lil while ago but; small idea for the radestu area.

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