gold → 神代 💫さんのプロフィール画像

gold → 神代 💫さんのイラストまとめ

芸実 (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) ? ✶ OC + FA

フォロー数:988 フォロワー数:885

( rts appreciated 💕 )

★ Updated comms sheet! — Unlimited slots ↓

DM if interested + more info & examples in my carrd (link below) ^^

6 5

🌘 Silver — The Moon Deity 🌒
Another oc ^_^

3 10

post 4 characters you relate to and let people make assumptions

Now judge me (😅) idk so much if Dottore goes there but oh well

1 2

!! Entry to 's DTIYS!!!
A panel from their white bears series!!! Ep. The flying books (part 1) !!!!
aksgecwjbcs I LOVE LURO SM 🩵🤍

5 18

When my sona is literally me but with contact lenses

0 11